Growing Therapeutic Innovation



Novo Ventures and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have formed the Novo Broad Greenhouse, a joint initiative to discover and propel new therapies from academic discoveries into the clinic. Funding through this collaboration is available to members of the Broad Institute community, spanning institute faculty and professional scientists, including Broad-affiliated faculty at MIT, Harvard, and Harvard-affiliated hospitals. Our mission is to foster the creation of exciting new therapeutic candidates, with the potential to transform patient care.

Seeding Projects to Grow their Potential

The Novo Broad Greenhouse will support world-class scientists in advancing promising new drug candidates during the critical early stages of drug discovery, when resources are most scarce.  Drug discovery projects will be guided through three phases of funding:

  • Seed – Initial funding will be provided for Seed projects to achieve specific milestones which pre-clinically validate a therapeutic hypothesis or establish early druggability.
  • Sprout – Seed projects may then graduate to the Sprout phase, where significant additional funding may be provided to advance towards the selection of a clinical candidate.
  • Bloom – With continued support and business guidance, maturing projects may Bloom, graduating out of the Novo Broad Greenhouse into newly created biotechs or existing companies to pursue the ultimate goal: drugs that can help patients.

Venture Capital Experience Meets Drug Discovery Expertise

To develop the next generation of molecular medicines, the Novo Broad Greenhouse unites three core ingredients: deep basic science expertise from academia, drug discovery capabilities from the Broad Institute’s Center for the Development of Therapeutics (CDoT), and a sustainable evergreen funding base and drug development and investment expertise from Novo Holdings and its affiliates.  Projects that enter the Novo Broad Greenhouse will also benefit from:

  • Being embedded in the creative and innovative environment of the Broad Institute
  • Direct, continued involvement from the Joint Steering Committee and CDoT senior drug discovery leadership
  • Connectivity to the broader entrepreneurial network of Novo Holdings with over 60+ biopharma portfolio companies

Contact Us

The Novo Broad Greenhouse
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
415 Main St.
Cambridge, MA 02142